• Wow 1yr already middle yall so much...coming soon...thank you so much for helping in my health journey and to get my mind on the right track. It's been a journey but my lesson is in each moment I made progress no matter how big or small...there been much progress.

    Chimerre M. Nutritional/Yoga Client changing eating and lifestyle habits forever!
  • Just finished an amazing yoga class with Rachael Bankins of Curly Q Yoga. My current state is BLISSED OUT! She is SO good!!!

    Melanie H. Private Yoga Client-helping increase strength and flexibility during private small group yoga sessions
  • I truly enjoyed working with Rachael during the time I was her client. I learned portion sizes and eating health foods. I especially liked the weekly chats we had about how I was feeling and the things that I was eating. I wasn't a fan of always taking a picture of what I ate, but I see now that it helped keep me on track with my weight lost. Rachael was always there to give a comforting word even when I thought I was failing at weight lost. She has a very calming kindred spirit that makes it easy for you to talk with her and the one thing I did like about her was that she didn't make any judgements about my weight. I was very skeptical about taking a picture of me in revealing suit that showed all my bumps and rolls. My weight loss journey continues and I thank Rachael for putting me on the right track.

    Dr. Jacqueline McNair Dr. McNair learned how to balance her plate to balance her body. Lost 15-20lbs on the program. Transformed her life forever.
  • Working with Rachael was a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. She was very helpful, positive and motivating. Rachael helped me through difficult times and she ALWAYS had a positive word for me and was very uplifting. She helped me to understand food and how it fuels my body and that was a game changer for me. Even though I am not currently a client of Rachael, we still keep in contact and she continues to make sure that I am being intentional about my food choices and my well being.

    Carol J. Health Department worker and caregiver to mother and family. Changed her life by taking care of herself and learning how to eat healthy.
  • Working with Rachael not only changed my relationship with food but also the way I feel about myself. Her supportive and honest weekly check-ins were catered specifically for me. In addition to the awesome Yoga classes and real time input on my daily meals offered the immediate feedback necessary to transform my habits. If you are looking for a wholistic change of your movement, mood and food, do yourself a favor and establish your coaching relationship today!

    Kimberly D. Busy Professional single mom transformed her life by creating healthy enjoyable habits to last her life time!
  • Rachael is a great nutrition and wellness coach. She is patient, takes the time to explain every detail of the process and how it affects you and the benefits of going slow and steady. Rachael always has a positive affirmation to keep you encouraged and motivated. I enjoyed working with her.

    Priscilla J. Writer/Mother make change in her eating and movement for a better lifestyle.

Join the many women who created healthy habits and transformed their lives forever!

Create a healthy lifestyle to last you forever.