Hi, my name is Rachael, nice connecting with you and glad you made it to my website.

I help overweight women to get off the diet roller coaster through nutritional coaching and yoga so that they can lose weight and stay healthy with positive lifelong habits. I too was more than 100+ lbs overweight and tried all the fad diets, surgery, Jenny Craig. You name it, I tried it.
Only to gain the weight back plus more. Ever since I was a little girl I always had a love/hate relationship with food and my body. Until I learned that my body and mind are one and food is what I need to live and thrive. So, once I made “peace” I learned how to balance my plate with mindful eating and move my body with intention and purpose through yoga and meditation. I would love to help you on your health and wellness journey to release weight through trusting your body and eating food you enjoy through mindful eating and yoga/meditation.
Since 2014, I have been helping men and women feel better and stronger in their bodies through meditation and yoga. Let me be your Yoga and Wellness Coach and help you on your journey to a healthy more vibrant way of life through nutritional coaching and yoga. Check out the “Testimonial” or “Praise” page to read actual testimonials of clients I worked with you.
See you soon!
Let’s transform your life today!